In a notable approach to celebrating the 183rd anniversary of the Relief Society (the womens organization of the LDS church), the recent worldwide devotional prominently featured Elder Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles as the central speaker. The Relief Society General Presidency- President Camille N. Johnson, Sister J. Anette Dennis, and Sister Kristin M. Yee also contributed messages during the event.
[Satire] Manuscript Found! "Book of Joseph" Discovered After Nearly 200 Years — Turns Out to Be One Big Ego Stroke
SALT LAKE CITY — Scholars have discovered the long-lost Book of Joseph , a sacred text Joseph Smith claimed to translate from Egyptian papyri that he acquired in 1835. Thought lost after Smith’s death, the manuscript was recently found in a private collection in New York City and authenticated by experts. But the contents have left many raising their eyebrows — because it’s basically one long prophecy about Joseph Smith himself. Vignette described in 1835 by Oliver Cowdery as coming from the Book of Joseph, allegedly depicting Eve's temptation by the serpent The Book of Joseph expands on the biblical story of Joseph of Egypt, describing his rise to power, prophetic dreams, and visions of Moses and the coming Messiah. But much of the text focuses on a future seer named Joseph who would "restore the fullness of truth" and "translate records from the dust." Dr. Andrew Marshall, professor of religious history at BYU, said, "It’s remarkab...