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October 2024 - General Conference Predictions

 The following is the result of a conversation with ChatGPT v. 4o on September 26th 2024 . Purpose in sharing: Despite claiming to have a direct line of communication with heaven. Leaders of the Mormon church no longer give new revelations. They simply regurgitate topics over and over again. This conversation is meant to demonstrate that nothing new is ever said. No prophecy, no revelation, no new scripture. ~~ The Prompt~~ Me: Give me a few topics that might be discussed in the October General Conference of the LDS church along with who the speaker will probably be. ChatGPT: The October General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints often includes talks on core gospel principles, church policies, and current global issues. Here are a few topics that might be addressed along with potential speakers: Family and Strengthening the Home Likely Speaker: President Dallin H. Oaks or Elder Quentin L. Cook Family topics are a common theme, emphasizing the importance of
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"If I were Satan, how would I convince people to read the Book of Mormon?"

 The following is a conversation I had with ChatGPT version 4o on September 25th 2024 . Purpose in sharing: Many approaches to missionary work and apologetics  are manipulative and misleading. Presenting the tactics as if they were devised by Satan might help people see through the manipulation. ~~The Conversation~~ The Question: If I were Satan, how would I convince people to read the Book of Mormon? The Response: ChatGPT If you were Satan, trying to convince people to read the Book of Mormon might involve crafting an approach that appeals to people's desires, doubts, and curiosity, while distorting truth and manipulating emotions. Here’s how such a strategy could play out: Appeal to Personal Revelation : Encourage people to seek spiritual experiences, emphasizing feelings over facts. You might whisper that the Book of Mormon offers profound personal insights and a deeper connection with God than traditional scripture, subtly shifting their focus from seeking truth to seeking emo

Without the Mormon Lens: 13 - The Head of Laban

The Book of Mormon, pg 12 ~~~~~ The Book of Mormon~~~~~      " Now when I had spoken these words, they were yet wroth, and still did continue to murmur; Nevertheless they did follow me up until we came without the walls of Jerusalem. (pg 12) ~~~~~~~~~~      We now find Nephi and his brothers outside of the walls of Jerusalem as they return a third time to retrieve the plates from Laban. We can see some similarities to the Book of Joshua as Joshua leads the Isrealites from city to city as they claim their inheritance. This final encounter with Laban is the final colmination of Nephi's effort to preserve their family's records. Much like the Book of Joshua is the finale of the Isrealites claiming their lands.    As we have seen with previous events, the Killing of Laban will be a conglomerate of multiple events across the Old Testament.  ~~~~~ The Old Testament~~~~~    1  And the Lord said unto Joshua, Fear not, neither be thou dismayed: take all the people of war with thee


The content on Lucifer's Lantern reflect the personal experiences and interpretations of individual contributors. These articles often challenge or critique the teachings and practices of various religions. The views expressed are solely those of the authors and do not represent any official positions. The content is intended for personal reflection and discussion.