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[Satire] President Nelson Clarifies Statement on Jesus Being "Central" to the Church — "We Meant More Like a Supporting Role."

 President Nelson Clarifies Statement on Jesus Being "Central" to the Church — "We Meant More Like a Supporting Role."

Lucifer's Lantern, March 24, 2025

SALT LAKE CITY — President Russell M. Nelson recently clarified that while Jesus Christ is important, the true focus of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints remains on following the prophet.

In a statement released after growing speculation about the church’s evolving emphasis on prophetic authority, Nelson explained that Jesus Christ plays a role in the church’s doctrine, but the day-to-day leadership and guidance of the church comes through modern prophets.

This view aligns with long-standing church doctrine that places continuing revelation through modern prophets at the core of church governance and spiritual life. The prophet is seen as the Lord’s mouthpiece, and members are taught that sustaining the prophet and following his counsel is the surest way to align with God’s will.

Church historian Richard Turley put it bluntly: “Historically, the church has always focused more on the Prophet Joseph Smith and modern prophets. Jesus is important, but the prophet is who leads the church. That’s what makes us different from other Christian denominations.”

President Nelson concluded his statement with a reminder of the church’s hierarchy: “The Lord speaks today through His prophet. That’s how He has always governed His church. To follow the prophet is to follow Christ.”

Following the announcement, the church quietly updated its official tagline from "Come Unto Christ" to "Follow the Prophet — He Knows the Way."

#satire #LDS #Mormon


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