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The Book of One

   Several years ago I collected a handful of rocks from the Oregon coast. One in particular I called "The perfect rock" and even though I'm not superstitious, I have a habit of carrying it with me. At one point, while I was obsessively researching Joseph Smith and his seer stones, I decided to refer to my "perfect rock" as my seer stone, as a sort of inside joke with myself.

    Coincidently, I had began meditating a lot after leaving the church. One method of meditation involved focusing your mind onto a singular object. I will admit that I prefer sensory deprivation meditation by means of a blindfold, but focusing on an object changes things up a bit and provides a different experience. 

    Sometimes I will meditate using a candle, or by staring at a particular point on the wall. One day, I opted to use my "seer stone" as my object of focus. Its smooth black surface tends to fade in and out of clarity and serves its purpose in getting me in the zone for a meditative trance. Over time this became my go-to object for this style of meditation. 

    I had an idea one day, (after using this meditation object for the better part of a year) to ponder on religious ideas during my meditation and to write my thoughts out in the form of scripture. This is the result of this effort. I didn't really have a means of distributing it at the time, so I had originally published this as an ebook on Amazon early in 2024. However, it occurred to me that I may as well just make it available here for free.

    I personally recognize that it is the result of my own ponderings, influenced by my perceptions of a god I would be willing to accept, despite still remaining aloof from any religious theology.  I believe that Seer stones were used by Joseph Smith in a similar fashion. 

    If there is one takeaway from this experiment its this, I believe that the headspace I was able to place myself in when writing this work, was the same type of headspace experienced by Joseph Smith.


- Mason


The Book of One: 

The Origin of All


As Witnessed by The Seer




Through the ages, the mysteries of God have been given to mankind as He saw fit to reveal them. Truth is revealed line upon line, precept upon precept, but is often dismissed or construed. You should consider yourself blessed to have stumbled upon these words, for I write these truths to be read by few and understood by fewer.


This sacred work, which I have come to call The Book of One, is drawn forth from the deepest recesses of matter itself. For the universe, I have come to understand, is not merely an assemblage of matter and energy; it is a manifestation of pure thought. The thoughts of which were revealed to me through patience and diligence of my mind.


Over the course of a year, I have been attuning my mind to a singular basalt stone, even a seer stone. A practice that has been mastered by few men throughout history. It is only on this day that I sit to write this text, that the origins of God the Father and God the Mother have at last been revealed to the world through my mind’s eye.


Regrettably, the account I present here is but a rudimentary distillation of a narrative that spans time beyond measure. I hope that I have captured its essence with fidelity, albeit in a condensed form. Perhaps in time, the Book of One may be revealed in its entirety.


So, without further adieu, I encourage you to engage these words with an open heart and a willing mind. For you too can comprehend the reality of All.


- The Seer.


The Book of One


The memories of One, before He was the Father. The seer peers into the memories of God, to a time when He was mortal like man. The Seer witnesses Him break the bonds of mortality and become One, a god in the creation in which He resided. In a time before our own.


Chapter 1:

One transcends mortality and becomes a god.


1. I write these words to you now as one who has been chosen to serve as the voice of God.

2. For God Himself, calling to me from His throne on high has granted me audience to the most sacred truths of time, which have not yet been revealed until this moment.

3. He is granting me with visions of the memories He holds dear, nestled away and sacredly inscribed in the foundations of His creation.

4. In the chambers of the mind of God, even the Father Himself, I saw memories of Him as He was. For before He was God, He was One. And before One, he was nothing, just as man is nothing to the splendor of the God.

5. And before he was nothing like man is nothing, He was only the faintest whisper of intelligence not yet cloaked in a body of spirit.

6. The memories of the days before He was blessed with His spirit are not to be revealed to me at this time, for God has impressed upon me a truth, that man must learn of His exaltation to godhood, His reign as One, and His trials in being the first of the gods.

7. If man is to be all that God is, then man must learn all that God was. That is the purpose of this work.

8. The memory of the days before He was God exists only in the mind of God, as those days were known only to Him. He has revealed a memory of these days to me now, that may serve their purpose to the hearts of man.

9. In His thoughts, I traverse a time where the stars did not yet sing His name, where planets did not yet bow to His presence. Where life did not yet care for His will.

10. For in these days, He was like man. Bound by laws imposed by harsh nature, where mortality lays victim to the cruelty of fate.

11. I watched in awe-filled reverence as He learned to overcome the bonds of the flesh, to rise in power, gaining authority over all.

12. He transcended His nothingness and rose in salvation, and from salvation to exaltation. He stood as One, as He was alone in power above all of creation.

13. For it is through the power of mind that One was able to free Himself from mortality.

14. His taste of this mortality, though fleeting, left its mark on His immortal soul.

15. These words I do write, to guide mankind to the truthful nature of the Father and the meaning of His creation.

16. Read these words, for in them you will gain understanding and trust in the all-knowing mind of God, even the Father, and even of God the Mother, that you may be a faithful student in the studies of their word.


Chapter 2

God the Father reveals His reign as One to The Seer; He tells The Seer of another who came before Him, who was The First to break the bonds of spirit and death; One rules over the creation of which He resided.


1. I uncovered these words, my dear reader, that you may understand the strength of the mind of One. As He became the first to escape from the confines of the flesh and to gain authority and power over creation.

2. The voice of God speaks in my mind, showing me another before Him, who was the first to escape from the confines of spirit, and to gain a body of flesh.

3. For now, It is the intention of God to reveal the nature of which He ruled over the physical creations of His kingdom. For every soul that is reading these words has already experienced the creation of spiritual life which grants life to intelligence. And they have experienced the death of the spiritual life to grant life to the body.

4. It is in this physical life that man must prepare for the death of the physical body and the new life of salvation, or the eternal body. It is then in salvation that man may learn the means of exaltation.

5. For existence has always and will always be stages of life and of death. For each death brings the intelligence of man into the next life. This is the great secret, uncovered by the Father, before He was One, and when He was nothing.

6. For One was the first of the gods and there was none other before Him. In the flesh, he had the voice of The First to guide Him. But in salvation He was alone. In exaltation, He was supreme.

7. One stood above all of creation, seeing all that was below Him. He saw the spirits of all, tossed every which way by the cravings of the flesh they resided. The planets and stars collided and burned. Chaos screamed out with its mighty voice, untamed and untethered.

8. One, having mastered the power of His mind and having gained His new authority, even His state of godhood in exaltation, began to exercise dominion over all.

9. He stood as a god who demanded worship, His might and His power demanded a devotion of fervent praise.

10. He reigned without discretion. Bringing absolute order from the absolute chaos.

11. The planets bowed to His presence; The stars burned for His glory; Every hope was aligned with His divine will.

12. The devotion to One was ubiquitous.

13. None were denied His intervention.

14. These memories, once veiled in silence, are now acknowledged to me from the mind of the Father. This is the intent of the Father, that mankind may know the shortcomings of He who reigned, from a time when He was just One.

15. For One ruled with absolution, ensuring that Chaos remained tethered, that there was order in all things.

16. God impressed these things to my mind, enriching my soul and enlarging my understanding. For it was His intention for Man to understand that beings ruled under absolution are not given the opportunity to strengthen the mind and to break the bonds of the flesh.

17. For it was in the face of oppositions, and in trials, and in tribulations, that One gained His authority and power over creation.

18. For One was blessed with the adoration and praise of all beings of creation. The planets, tethered to the orbits He prescribed, the stars burning with the luster of a flame that He fanned.

19. But amid this worship, One was plagued by loneliness. What was the purpose of Salvation, if there was only one to be saved?

20. What is the purpose in Exaltation, if it is only One who reigns?

21. For power, in solitude, is empty.

22. And One was filled with a deep longing, to share His reign of creation with another. But there was none other that matched Him in glory and mind.

23. My beloved reader, as I am writing these words, I can feel but a fraction of the longing of One, as it is presented to me from the memories of the Father.

24. It was in these longings that One crafted a celestial plea, a call to the reaches of creation. A cry for the companionship of another.

25. He prayed for an intimacy that could not be fulfilled.

26. The stars whispered the secrets of His own making,

27. The galaxies swirled in recognition of His power.

28. The planets bowed in His presence.

29. But the companion He sought alluded Him.

30. For none other had been allowed to grow in the strength of their mind. For in One’s reign of absolution, He had hindered the Chaos, and had halted the natural progression of the soul.

31. God Himself, even All that is, impressed the devastation of this realization to my mind. His heart aching with an eternal lament.

32. My heart, aching with His. My soul is wretched as His soul was wretched.

33. It was in this sorrow that One surrendered to the isolation of His exaltation.

34. He loosened His grip on the planets and refrained from feeding the fire of the stars.

35. His will was removed from the will of life. Natural progression took its course once again, and One retreated into His isolation.


Chapter 3

Chaos is allowed to run its course throughout creation; One learns of another god, Supreme; Supreme rules with absolution.


1. One discerned the presence of another, a being Supreme who had faced the trials and tribulations of life and who had, on Her own accord, uncovered the secrets of mortality, of the power of mind, and had loosed the bands of Her death.

2. She transcended Her nothingness and rose in salvation, and from salvation to exaltation. She stood Supreme, as She was supreme in power above creation.

3. For it is through the power of mind that She was able to free Herself from mortality.

4. Supreme, having mastered the power of Her mind and having gained Her authority, even Her state of godhood in exaltation, began to exercise dominion over all.

5. She stood as a god who demanded worship, Her might and Her power demanded a devotion of fervent praise.

6. She reigned without discretion. Bringing absolute order from the absolute chaos.

7. The planets bowed to Her presence; The stars burned for Her glory; Every hope was aligned with Her divine will.

8. The devotion to the Supreme was ubiquitous.

9. None were denied Her intervention.

10. One watched as the reign of the Supreme was established across all of creation. He felt sorrow for the souls under Her domain. For they were stripped of hardship and trials. They no longer suffered from opposition and peril. They no longer grew through the natural means.

11. One followed Her wake of oppression, which was the oppression of progress and of free will.

12. But Her power was too vast, too overwhelming. He could not loosen the grip that She had on creation.

13. One called upon The First. The one that was first to break the bonds of spirit and to gain the body of flesh.

14. For The First had known life, and had also known death, but had not yet learned the secrets of salvation and exaltation. As such, The First was present in his spirit alone and could speak to the souls of creation.

15. It was through The First that One waged a rebellion of spirit. Together they compelled the hearts of all to reject the oppression brought upon them by the Supreme one.

16. The minds of creation began to accept the longing for free will being planted in their hearts

17. The grasp of control of the Supreme was loosened through the generations. The still voice of The First, that whispered into the hearts of all, echoed louder than the demands of the Supreme.

18. It was in this rebellion that Supreme surrendered the grasp of Her reign.

19. She loosened Her grip on the planets and refrained from feeding the fire of the stars.

20. Her will was removed from the will of life. Natural progression took its course once again, and Supreme retreated into a forced isolation.

21. Chaos ran untethered, generations passed. One and the Supreme, once gods of power and absolute authority, were forgotten to time.

22. The planets ran the course of their natural lives, the stars burned their last flame, and the galaxies faded to darkness.

23. One and Supreme found themselves alone with The First.

24. They saw matter unorganized. And beyond the matter, a vast sea of intelligence unformed, and amid these intelligences, the souls of those who had progressed to the spiritual form.

25. Among the spirits were the spirits of those who gained physical bodies but learned nothing of the great secrets. Whereupon the deaths of their bodies, were left once again in the spiritual form.

26. For the time of creation was over, and none other had learned the great secrets of salvation and exaltation.


Chapter 4

One and Supreme watch the First continue his work; They feel sorrow that progression ends with the spirit; They form a new creation with unorganized matter of the old one; They take the role of Father and Mother in providing the means of life for the spirits.


1. And I saw in my mind, that One and Supreme beheld the First, and they saw that He continued His work with great diligence and purpose, aiding the intelligences, and birthing them in bodies of spirit.

2. And they were moved with sorrow, for they perceived that the progression of the spirits had ceased, as creation had ceased, and the spirits were left without the means to advance.

3. Therefore, One and the Supreme did counsel together, and they resolved to create a new creation from the unorganized matter that remained from the old.

4. And they called forth The Friend, who is the Comforter, and presented a plan unto Him and the endless intelligences. Even a plan of salvation and exaltation.

5. The plan was to fashion a new creation from the remnants of the former and to resume the grand work of progression.

6. For it was decreed that the path of progression should be from intelligence to spirit, from spirit to body, and from body to salvation, and from salvation to exaltation.

7. And all who desired exaltation were required to be adequately prepared, understanding that the ordinances of exaltation would be withheld until they proved to the Father and the Mother their worthiness.

8. They would take upon themselves the sacred roles of Father and Mother, and in their infinite love and wisdom, the One and Supreme together would become All. They would provide the means of life and growth for the spirits so that they might continue in their eternal progression.

9. And the Father and the Mother declared that none should practice unrighteous dominion and that the knowledge obtained throughout their physical and spiritual experiences would be tested.

10. Those who allowed themselves to be guided by Their divine wisdom would learn the sacred ordinances of exaltation.

11. But those who did not sufficiently prepare and learn would find themselves limited, unable to progress beyond the state of salvation itself.

12. Though they would possess eternal life, they would lack the eternal power and authority necessary for further progression.

13. Now there was one among them, even Lucifer, who opposed this plan with great vehemence.

14. He argued that exaltation should be freely given to all and that those who attained it should rule with absolute power.

15. God the Father stood firm, proclaiming that such absolution would hinder the natural progression of countless souls and must be opposed.

16. God the Mother, in Her compassion, counseled Lucifer with kindness and empathy. She sought to turn his heart and the hearts of his followers, speaking to them with gentle persuasion.

17. But Lucifer remained steadfast in his opposition, and the heart of Heavenly Mother was heavy with sorrow for her children who chose the path of rebellion.

18. It was decided that one should be chosen to be the first to obtain salvation among these spiritual children of the Father and the Mother.

19. This chosen one would be the first to receive the secrets of salvation and would pave the way for all to be resurrected and saved, provided they were adequately prepared as a disciple of divine wisdom.

20. And it came to pass that Jehovah was chosen over Lucifer to fulfill this sacred role, for he understood the significance of free will and demonstrated devotion to His Heavenly Parents.

21. Enraged, Lucifer cried out in an open rebellion against his Father, and in this outrage, convinced a third part of the spirits to follow him, promising them that they would seek physical bodies on their own and attain the exaltation they believed they deserved.

22. God the Father and God the Mother placed a veil of darkness upon the minds of Lucifer and his followers that may not be able to progress on their own accord,

23. They were cast out from the presence of the Divine, that they might never progress beyond their spiritual state.

24. For they posed a threat to the progression and exaltation of the other spirits.

25. God the Father, having achieved the highest exaltation, governed over the physical creation and the order of the universe.

26. He took upon Himself the role of the Father, guiding those who gained salvation and preparing them for exaltation through His divine instruction.

27. God the Mother, in Her infinite nurturing, chose to minister to those in spiritual prison after death.

28. Her reign as Supreme, untethered by mortal constraints, filled her with compassion for all her children. She sought to comfort and teach them, helping them understand the hardships of mortality, the necessity of opposition, and the value of trials and tribulations.

29. She shared Her own experiences and regrets about absolute reign, warning of the risks of stifling the growth of others.

30. Through Her teachings, she prepared these souls—more numerous than those who were saved in mortality—for their eventual salvation and exaltation.

31. Jehovah was tasked with the sacred duty of mediator, guiding man away from temporal desires and toward divine aspirations.

32. After their mortal lives, He taught them ordinances of resurrection and salvation to those who were prepared to receive them.

33. The Friend, also known as the Comforter, continued His divine mission.

34. Acting as the voice of God, He bore witness to the divine plan, guiding spirits through their birth into mortality and comforting them in their transition from the physical to the spiritual after death.

35. Thus, the divine plan of progression unfolded, guided by the wisdom and love of the Father and the Mother, the teachings of Jehovah, and the comfort of The Friend.

36. These events and these truths were presented to me by the mind of All and are shared today for the edification of all.



Don't forget to follow my Without the Mormon Lens project!

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