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Without the Mormon Lens

     Until I can figure out how to make this site easier to navigate, I'll just manually create a bit of a directory here.

    Eventually I hope to cover a wide variety of topics, for now, most of what I am discussing is my current study of the Book of Mormon, which I call "Without the Mormon Lens" where I am attempting to provide a skeptical perspective of the Book of Mormon, cover to cover, page by page. The ultimate goal is to help you gain a knew perspective of the book and to see it as a fictional history.

Without the Mormon Lens

1 -Introduction

I introduce the inspiration for the project.

2 - Changing our Perspective

The idea that deconstruction begins with an openness to fresh perspective, a different lens.

3 - And it Came to Pass

We discuss the Chronicle of the Kings of England

4 -Biblical America

The early fascination of Americans and Biblical language.


A brief discussion on a contemporary to the Book of Mormon and its potential literary influence.

5.1 - Consider the Preface

Some additional thoughts on the title page and content of the Book of Mormon

6 - I Nephi

We discuss Nephi's introduction and its potential tie to American history.

7- Lehi

The character of Lehi begins to take shape.

8- The Exodus Begins

The prophet Lehi takes on the role of Moses.

9- Lucy's Dream

We consider Lucy Mack Smith's influence on Joseph Smiths religious and secular education.

10 - Be Strong and of a Good Courage

We are brought back to Nephi and his parallels to Joshua

11 - The First Return to Jerusalem 

Nephi and his bothers return to Jerusalem. Laman is sent in to ask Laban for the plates.

Parallel the to spies sent by Moses to survey the land of Canaan

12 - Attempt to Buy the Brass Plates

Nephi and his brothers offer gold and silver and precious things in exchange for the plates

Events are similar to interactions with the people of Ai as well as more murmurings from the Israelites

Nephi slays Laban

Compared to Joshua conquering the promised land

14 - Zoram

Zoram follows Nephi into the wilderness
Compare to the Gideonites following Joshua

Nephi and his brothers give the plates to Lehi
Compare to Moses' directions to the Israelites in Deuteronomy


 - This page will be updated as we continue through our study -

Have you learned a lot from what I've had to share?

Consider buying me a coffee!

Transparency: I absolutely refuse to have AI write the content of this passion project. Anything generated by AI will be posted here. I like to create content using AI for social media so I feel this notice is important,

The Without the Mormon Lens project is written by the author and NOT AI.

ChatGPT is used as nothing more than a search engine to help identify sources. 


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